Tuesday, July 3, 2007

3 Months

This has been a big month for me - it's starting to get a lot more fun to be here! I am smiling and laughing all the time now. I also "talk" a lot. Of course, the only talking I do for now consists of ahhhs and oooos - and a squeal or two when I'm really excited. I can hold toys, hold my own head up, and sometimes even hold my own bottle. Mom and Dad took me to Michigan twice this month and I got to nap on the beach in my own little sun-hut. Mom and I still go to the park most weekdays, except on "ozone action days." Then, we stay inside and dance to Baby Bach, read Curious George stories, and, of course, take long naps! My favorite toy is my purple elephant. I especially like it when Dad dive-bombs me with the elephant - it almost always makes me giggle. Overall, I would say that three months is a great age to be!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a gorgeous girl! And I love that smile!