Thursday, November 1, 2007

Trick or Treat

What an interesting day I had yesterday. Mom and Dad put me in some strange green outfit and took me outside. That wasn't the strangest part, though. Once we got outside, I started seeing small monsters, witches, princesses, monkeys, power rangers, spidermen, and dozens of others. They were all walking up to strangers' doors, knocking on the door, yelling "trick or treat," and then GETTING CANDY! What a strange concept, bothering people at home during dinner time, yelling at them, and getting treats for doing it. Everyone was looking at me and raving about how cute I was. I was so overwhelmed by the whole concept so I did what I do best when I'm confused - I fell asleep. Mom and Dad tell me that my 2-year-old friend Ava who I was out with stayed awake the entire time and came home with an entire pail of candy.

On the downside, I thought I was supposed to be able to eat candy once I had teeth, but Mom and Dad still won't let me even though I have two perfectly functioning teeth. Not fair.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dahlia you looked great.I was hoping that you saved some candy for granpa. Your costume was great.
Granpa Jim