Wednesday, December 12, 2007

8 Months

I'm a little late posting this month because I spent my 8-month birthday in Mexico - more on that later.

Most people forget how they learned to do the little things that grown-ups now do every day without thinking about it. But when I learn one of those little things, it's a big deal! Do any of you remember when you learned to turn a page on a book? I do - I learned this month. Do any of you remember when you learned to wave? I do - I learned this month. Do any of you remember when you learned to eat a cookie? I do - I learned this month. Sure, I'm not doing algebra quite yet, but my parents are pretty proud just the same.

My favorite book is Brown Bear. Mom or Dad hold the pages down while they read each page, but as soon as they let me, I turn to the next page and get to see a new animal on every page. I am also really interested in seeing other kids playing. And my favorite thing to do is smile and laugh and show off my shiny new teeth - all four of them.

I spent my first Thanksgiving at my Granmmy's in Michigan. I got to eat real Thanksgiving dinner - turkey, mashed potatoes, carrots, and pumpkin - all mashed up in the blender. And then I got to play with a turkey leg. I'm getting excited about my first Christmas. I'm hearing something about a fat man in a red suit and NEW TOYS. This is going to be good...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Santa is on his way.Remember to leave cookies and hot chocolate. Don't let cade eat them before I get there.