Every time Mom or Dad brings out my favorite book, Brown Bear by Eric Carle, I say "Buh, Buh." Just yesterday when Mom brought out the book, I said "Bruh, Buh" over and over. I'm taking a poll - who thinks these are my first words? Leave a comment and let me know.
I vote no. But keep up the solid efforts youngin.
Could be! May not know for sure for awhile!
I vote YES. Clearly she knows the name of her first book!
Granpa Jim says yes. Very smart
Of course those are words!!!! If you can get that she is saying 'brown bear', then they are words. Trust me, if you're waiting until she gets every consonant, noun, and syllable, you're going to be waiting a loooong time.
- Julia & Ben(whose favorite book is also Brown Bear -good choice girl!)
Go Dahlia - you little overachiever! I'll bet money you're saying Brown Bear. Little ones can always communicate more than the words their mouths can form.
Grampa Dick says, "yes, but can she do fractions?"
Grammie says, "Yes!" She started with a growl at 3 months and made everyone laugh. Then it was a wave hello when she heard "ola". A toot of the horn when asked to toot her buddy car horn. So, of course, she can say Brown Bear -- what will this amazing child do next? We will all have to wait and see.
Of course! That's definitely intentional... Does she also like panda bear panda bear, what do you see?
Yep, I love Panda Bear, Panda Bear, too. Very liberal, which, of course, my parents like ;)
Dahlia, you are so smart! Just like your Mommy and Daddy!
Yes! I heard her say them when I brought the book out. She definitely connects the sounds/word attempts with the book. I vote yes. Practical Grandma Lin
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