Tuesday, February 5, 2008

10 months

OK, so do you think "Da-da" is my first word? A couple of days ago, my Mom was giving me a bath when Dad walked in the room. I stood up, pointed at him, and said "Da-da." Mom and Dad gasped, Dad left the room, then came back a minute or two later. When Dad came back, I pointed again, and said "Da-da" again. I'm so brilliant ;) Next up, Sudoku.

After 10 months of Mom and Dad futilely using sign language, I have finally learned the sign for milk. Otherwise, I spend most of my time pointing, babbling, and mimicking Mom and Dad. I enjoyed my first Superbowl (Yea Giants!) and even got to eat some of the snacks my Grandma Barb made - cheese, veggies, bread. My latest favorite activity is climbing the stairs. Whenever I'm at a grandma or grandpa's house, I love to crawl up the stairs (with a grown-up following behind me, of course). Then, I back down and do it again.


Anonymous said...

What a great 10 months this has been.What a blessing she has been. We love her more each day.
Granpa, Jim

Anonymous said...


Thanks for the work out! You are better than stairmaster!

Love you always, Grandma Lin